Khammy Viengvilay — Caduceus
Khammy Viengvilay

Khammy Viengvilay

Director of Marketing

Khammy Viengvilay is the Director of Marketing at Caduceus. She is responsible for marketing, advertising, social media platforms, and website development. In addition, she will also manage sponsorships and charitable contributions.

Previously, Ms. Viengvilay served as Payroll Manager at Caduceus. In that function she oversaw all aspects of the daily operation, and, in collaboration with HR, she developed and implemented the payroll processes required to sustain the rapid growth of the company. She also brings 10 years of experience from the mortgage, finance, and real estate industries. In 2011, Ms. Viengvilay obtained her GA real estate license.

Ms. Viengvilay in her spare time, enjoys hiking and gardening. She is mother to three childeren, one of whom works on the Caduceus’ Special Projects team.