Physicians · Specialty Physicians · Surgeons — Caduceus

Physicians · Specialty Physicians · Surgeons

Caduceus provides physician staffing services for military and commercial treatment facilities (MTFs). We are a provider of in-patient physician services in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, ICU, trauma, anesthesiology, radiology, oncology, and OB GYN to name a few.

Hospitals, healthcare facilities and physician groups are often challenged to retain and recruit qualified physicians. Our clients rely on Caduceus to provide physician staffing services to achieve their mission and goals of their medical organization. Our house physician coverage helps to improve patient and physician satisfaction for hospitals and healthcare facilities.

We work with our clients to develop outstanding hospital staffing programs. We provide House physician coverage that includes appropriate staffing and clearly defines physician performance requirements. Our staffing models and physician job duties produce positive service results in such qualitative measures as patient, staff and physician attitudes. It’s a philosophy that not only enhances patient outcomes and satisfaction but also benefits the medical community.