Caduceus Ranked 3rd Among ICIC and FORTUNE’s Inner City 100 Winners for 2015 — Caduceus

Caduceus Ranked 3rd Among ICIC and FORTUNE’s Inner City 100 Winners for 2015

Atlanta, GA – The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) and FORTUNE announced that Caduceus was selected for the 2015 Inner City 100, a list of the fastest-growing inner city businesses in the U.S.

ICIC’s Inner City 100 program recognizes successful inner city businesses and their CEOs as role models for entrepreneurship, innovative business practices and job creation in America’s urban communities. Each year, ICIC works with a national network of nominating partners to identify, rank and spotlight rapidly-growing urban businesses, and the top 100 – determined by revenue growth – are honored on the Inner City 100 list published in FORTUNE.
Caduceus ranked 3 overall on the list of 100.

The full list can be viewed on the FORTUNE website, here: